“Thank God That Happened”- Stan Lee

Stan Lee, if you don’t know, became the face of Marvel Comics. He began working there after being fired from another job.

In a documentary about his life, Stan recalls the experience of being fired through the lens of hindsight and says – “Thank God that happened or I’d likely still be making trousers”.

I couldn’t help but smile widely, reflecting on my own experience of being let go unceremoniously.

So to quote Stan Lee: THANK GOD THAT HAPPENED.

I’m proud of myself and the fact that I stood up for what was right and asked for a fair wage.

If I hadn’t been fired, I never would have started Happy Hive Homeschooling. And I’m really proud of the products and services I provide families through this business.

I am stronger, wiser, and free to earn far more than I ever did as a Catholic School Teacher.

If you like my blog – especially the fact that it is free of crazy pop up advertising, consider supporting me and my quest to blog / work from home full time. I’d love to convert Gratitude.Little Things> Contentment to a full . com and maintain 100% ad free reading.

If you homeschool, or are involved in education, you need to check out my website: Happy Hive Homeschooling. There are free printables, curriculum suggestions, tips, and the “history” behind the holiday of the day.

Please note – this post may contain affiliate links. What that means is if you click that link and shop on Amazon (even if you don’t buy the product I’m telling you about) I may earn a % of the sale. This helps me run my household, my homeschool, and my business. You don’t pay any more than the regular price you normally would – so shop away! THANKS! If you want to learn more about the other facets of my life – check out my other blogs!

Job interviews

I was listening to a podcast recently in which the podcaster was giving the audience an overview of the jobs she had before she made it big.

I found myself pleasantly reflecting on the jobs I have held in MY life and how they have shaped me.

Humble Beginnings

My first job was babysitter. Like many in my generation, this was an “easy” way to earn fun money. I had “regulars” and learned to politely decline families in which I didn’t align. In hindsight, I can see my core value of discipline and structure developing. There wasn’t enough money in the world to compensate me when children misbehaved and did not listen. (Perhaps this lead to my eventual retirement from public school teaching as well?)

In college, I worked for my mom. She owned a small retail shop selling gently used maternity and plus sized clothing. There was no interview, and these were among the happiest of times in our mother/daughter relationship.

Jesus was a teacher- and so was I

My first official job interview was for a teaching position at the Catholic School in my parish. I was comfortable, confident and terrified all at the same time. I knew the principal, she had watched me grow up (making it comfortable). I was confident in that it was the ONLY job I applied to. And lastly, terrified because my future was in the balance. I nailed it, lol – in my mind anyway. I know there were applicants just a qualified, even more so – but my salary would be the lowest and therefore budget friendly for the school. I always told myself they got the deal of a lifetime, and indeed they did.

When I left the catholic school I applied in the school district my Mother In Law worked for. She wasn’t the reason, but turned out in my favor. That district was close and paid more than other districts in the area. In fact, they credited me with my full 6 years as a private school teacher – but I’m skipping ahead.

My interview with the public school district was OVERWHELMING emotionally. There was a panel of principals conducting the interview, and they asked the dreaded: “Why are you leaving your current position”. I cried. Yup – I cried in that interview, but nailed it anyway. The panel had on it, one principal my mother in law was close to. She told her when my interview was, so she could be there. Looking at her (even though we had never personally met) gave me the strength I didn’t know I had. I had a “friend” in the room.

I spent 4 interesting years growing as an educator and as a person as a public school teacher, then stayed home with my children for 6 years.

My most memorable interviews of all time

My return to teaching was epic as far as interviews go. I called the original catholic school seeking an interview – but was instead contacted by another. The principal at this school was again known to me, in fact when she started her teaching career, I was her mentor teacher. She was well aware of my strengths as an educator. I was hired over the phone, wearing my pajama pants and my shirt was on inside out and backward. Thank god this was before the “ZOOM” era!

After a lovely time learning the ins-and outs of teaching middle school, I became aware of an opening in my parish school. I had already re-signed my contract and was unsure of the protocol. Having the principal as a personal friend helped, my “friend” told me to go for it and she would sing my praises. The job was after all only 2 miles from home!

My job interview with this principal goes down in HISTORY. We only had one car, so I rode my bike, complete with a Hannah Montana backpack, to carry my resume and letters of recommendation. There wasn’t a panel – but the interview was with the principal and a teacher who sat on their leadership team. Fueled with the confidence of an experienced teacher, and a contract in place at another school – I did not hold back. I was the most “me” I have ever been.

The interview ended with two significant moments. First, the principal HAD checked my references, including my first principal (who was now superintendent) as well as employees who I had worked with as a young teacher the first time they employed me at the school.

The Principal said: “I can’t seem to find anyone to say anything negative about you, your recommendations are glowing” To this I replied: “I can give you my husband’s number, I’m sure he has a few negatives he can share”. Laughter filled the office. I’m proud of THIS TRUTH, that my reputation as a teacher is what legends are made of.

The second significant moment was the very last question the principal asked: “Why should we hire you?”

I told him the absolute truth: “Because I am awesome”. Nailed it again!

In case you’re wondering – I’m still awesome. I’m currently using my God-given talents to mentor homeschool families . You can see everything I do at happyhivehomeschooling.com

Until next time – be blessed friends

  • Christy

Ripping off a Bandaid

Facebook memories are full of just that – memories.

Sometimes when I see them, it’s like the bandaid being ripped off. It hurts coming off AND it exposes the wound underneath.

My cousin recently started a new job. After just one month she was chosen as employee of the month. She is good at what she does…

I couldn’t help but rip off a band-aide on myself – commenting that I taught for 19 years and NEVER received the Teacher of the year. I’d be lying if I told you it didn’t matter.

My cousin gently reminded me I was indeed teacher of the year, and how much my students loved me each year. In their eyes, I was the teacher of the year for the 180 days we were journeying together.

Well, imagine that – Teacher of the year 19 times!

I look at my Facebook Memories every day.

More often the memories make me smile. They warm my heart and remind me that I impacted a lot of lives during my 19-year teaching career.

But I’d be lying if I told you the wound was healed and I don’t see anything when the band-aide comes off.

It’s scabbed over now… someday it will just be a scar.

The Back to School Season

I’d be lying if I told you the Back To School Season didn’t still impact me. I’m coming to accept it always will.

Seeing parents post back-to-school pictures – sometimes with kids that would have been in MY CLASS, makes my heart hurt with pangs of regret. Why regret, when I did nothing wrong – your guess is as good as mine. Soon, there will be no more families I *should have* had their children in my class.

It does not matter how confident I am that providing families with the knowledge and power to homeschool is right where I’m supposed to be. I see God’s hand in my life plainly.

I recently saw a short video clip of Lisa Kudrow discussing the early episodes of Friends… At one point while just hanging out, the cast was discussing their biggest *got fired* stories.

Ms. Kudrow had been fired from Frasier – and someone pointed out how it was a GOOD THING she had been released from that show, or she would NOT have been cast to Friends. WOW, just WOW!

Overall, I am so HAPPY with my life right now. But with certain triggers, I can bounce around like a pinball.

Yesterday a profound memory popped up on Facebook. The memory brought me joy and CLARITY. At the time it was originally posted, I was describing a dream I had about work, and the things that occurred on a *typical* day.

I look at that dream now, in hindsight, and remember the burden I felt being responsible for so many administrative tasks. That burden eventually lead me to stand up for myself, resulting in my termination.

Coincidentally, I received a personal text message from a family that was thinking of me and wanted to remind me of the positive impact I had on their children. That message filled me with joy one minute and grief as deep as the Grand Canyon the next.

Today I was sitting in the bank, discussing my account with a bank employee – and from behind one of my OG students (from my first 6 years of teaching, a proud lip-ripping survivor) popped out and gave me a huge hug – calling me, Miss Serra. I would NEVER have seen her, yet she STOPPED to say a quick hello.

Why are these moments aligning? And more importantly why do I engage in thoughts and feelings that are painful? I mean I would have left teaching, eventually? Or would I have????

I certainly made a POSITIVE impact on plenty of children and their families over 19 years of teaching.

It is as if I have multiple personalities. Miss Serra and Mrs. Gandara the most awesome 4th-grade teacher (and some other grades too!) are gone. I deeply mourn their loss as Christy is reborn.

But the reality is I have LOST NOTHING – Miss Serra and Mrs. Gandara the teacher were ESSENTIAL to the foundation of exactly who I am and who I am meant to be.

If I had seen the circumstances of my *retirement* from teaching coming…I would have done everything in my power to stop it. – I would not have understood the questions that incident answered, and the dreams it has enabled me to fulfill.

Every road leads to NOW. I must feel these feelings COMPLETELY so I can move past them FULLY.

Here’s hoping time does heal all wounds.

Until Next time, be well my friends.

  • Christy

Burn the Ships

3 years ago when I called my dad to tell him I had just been released from my teaching contract, he empowered me in a way only a loving parent could. I repeat his words over and over to myself every day. 

You are so much more than just a teacher. 

Indeed I am. 

Over the past 3 years I have been on a journey of self discovery, finding my purpose in life. 

The answer to that question is not as complicated as all the self help books make it. 

My purpose is to be happy. To be happy in every aspect of my life. That’s it. 

Every day I wake up and do things that make me happy. Even the laundry, because walking around naked does NOT make me happy! 

I’m still working through my  tendency to allow fear be in the drivers seat of my life. On one particular day when fear took hold, I decided it was time to apply for employment outside the home again. 

Each position I applied for contacted me, interviewed me, and offered me a position. My awesomeness knew no bounds. 

What I realized however was it was not time to return to being an employee. It was time to burn my boats. 

This comes from the legend of an ancient commander, some say it was Cortes,  who was about to face an army far larger than his own. This commender knew fear was the greater enemy.  He ordered his ships burned once his soldiers were ashore – by removing the boats he removed the possibility of retreat.

I respectfully declined each job offer – I’ve burned my boats. There is no turning back. I will either succeed or I will fail. I do not have a backup plan. 

I choose success, just as that ancient army did. I will not stop 3 feet from gold. 

I’m Christy Gandara – CEO of Happy Hive Homeschooling

Families that work with me are transforming their mindset about homeschooling.

They are empowered to run their own schools with clarity and confidence.

Homeschoolers who work with me implement customized curriculum designed to inspire lifelong learning.

If you know someone who could benifit from working with a Homeschool Mindset Coach – PLEASE REFER THEM

Until next time – be well my friends.

  • Christy

Time Heals All Wounds

I believe that indeed, time heals all wounds. This goes for both emotional and physical wounds. 

But some wounds run deep and can leave us scarred. 

Sometimes a wound just leaves a scar, like the scars I have because of 3 cesarian sections.I had no choice, that cut was going to leave a scar, no matter how much cream I slathered on the area. 

I also have a scar on my thumb. I caused this wound to scar. My mom grabbed my hand and dug her nails into my skin. I’m sure I was being a bratty kid. Besides the statute of limitations for abuse expired, she’s in heaven 🙂 

Her nail left me bleeding and, I’ll just say it – wounded. Well, when the scab formed, I picked it off. When the new scab formed, I picked that off too. I picked off every scab I could. I wasn’t trying to scar myself for life, It was fun to peel my skin. Like the glue trick. Pour glue on your hand, let it dry – you’re instantly molting. Awesome stuff for a kid pre-video games. 

Emotional wounds are very similar to physical wounds in their healing and scaring. Some wounds are going to scar, I honestly don’t think we have a choice in the matter. For others, it’s our choice to keep picking at the wound that does the scarring. 

I recently hired a life/business coach. In our first session, I bring up how I was released from my teaching contract and I feel this is holding me back and negatively impacting my current business model. Often when wounded, you can’t see the forest through the trees either. This is why I knew coaching would be good for me. I kept smacking into trees! My coach pointed out I was CHOOSING to see being released from my contract as a negative when others in the exact situation would see it as a POSITIVE. It was all perspective. Being released from my contract was a fact, but it was a neutral fact. I was adding emotion and drama. I’m picking the scab off, for everyone to see. No one in my current *business circle* could give a rat’s ass (she didn’t quite say that her words were really not for catholic school, lol). 

Mind blown – she told me to choose a different thought. 

I let that sit awhile. In fact, I let it sit a LONG while. I even picked at my scab some more for old times’ sake. 

Who gave me permission to discipline children *not* in my classroom? – no one did – I did it because it was the right thing. The principal saw me act as a leader in this and other ways – placed me on the “Leadership Team”. 

As a Member of the Leadership Team, who gave me permission to volunteer, spout ideas and otherwise, COUGH – lead? – no one did, I have always been bossy, think my way is the best way and I’m not afraid to do what is right. When the current Vice-Principal of School leaves – I am *Promoted* to Teacher in charge of Discipline for TK – 8th grade. 

Who gave me permission to STEP UP and ACT AS IF I was in charge of the entire school when the Principal on administrated leave and there was NO VICE-PRINCIPAL – but the school had to run, the show had to go on, and parents had to feel comfortable that their kids were SAFE and being educated. (Freaking Stephen Covey kinda gave me permission, I was just beginning with the end in mind.  – My peers also gave me permission in words, and no one else stepped up, they just got out of the way.) – but – no one *above me* – I just did what had to be done. I surrounded myself with other members of the Leadership Team; We met every morning, and we ran that school for an embarrassing amount of time. BY OURSELVES.

By this time I was signing checks for the school. So partially someone somewhere a little above me realized I had *authority* and know-how, and I was passionate about the community. 

When it came time to select a new Principal, the staff chose me to represent them. Along with the Pastor and the School bookkeeper, I brought a set of interview questions curated by the other staff members. 

We hired the new Principal. I implemented a school-wide discipline program (it had been in development the year prior) and continued in my position as discipline coordinator for TK – 8th grade. Over the next  4 years, I worked closely with the Principal and other members of the leadership team. I was recognized by staff and parents as the 2nd in charge, often fielding issues when the principal was off campus. 

I became known as “Wonder Woman” because I did so much, and did it with love. When it was time for the yearbook pictures to be taken, I even convinced the photographer to put my name as Wonder Woman. My ID badge then read Wonder Woman as did my picture in the yearbook. I signed notes to my peers “WW” or Wonder Woman. I stood in my power, and lead with confidence. Had Gail Gadot or Lynda Carter shown up on that school campus, it would have been very confusing indeed. Three Wonder Women in the same place! 

But for the past 3 years, the Christy Gandara version of Wonder Woman has been under some sort of spell- kryptonite if you will. She picks and picks at the scar, believing she is no wonder woman, but a fraud, not worthy of a $5,000 raise and the Title Vice-Principal. (GOD WAS I SICK OF THAT CRAP  TITLE –  DISCIPLINE COORDINATOR) 

The wound of not getting the raise, not getting the title, and getting released from my contract may not have left a scar if I had not picked and picked at it for the past 3 years. I’ll never know. 

I know the scab is gone, and the scar is healing because I can see the miracle in being let go. I didn’t have to teach during the pandemic. I’m sorry teachers, but I didn’t. There’s more but I’ll spare you.

And today – I texted my friend (and former colleague) and I signed it Wonder Woman. I wanted her to know I was healing. Truly. deeply healing. 

I’m launching a consulting business for homeschool families. I’m about to stand in my power again. There’s no “college for running a homeschool consulting business”. Even if there was – I don’t have time for that.

Just like I didn’t have time to go to “Vice Principal School” I just freakin ran that school like Wonder Woman.

Now – with that same energy My Happy Hive is about to take the homeschool world by SWARM… 

The next time you’re out for a walk, you just might see me fly over in my invisible jet.

Until Next time, Be well my friends

  • Wonder Woman

If you know a homeschooling family, invite them to see what the BUZZ is about at HappyHiveHomeschooling.com

My Awesomeness is Spreading Exponentially.

I’m working on a project – and an idea popped into my head for a product I could sell. It is based on a lesson I used with my 4th graders to help them understand the scientific method and density.

Back in the classroom, we tested 8 different candies’ ability to float under the premise that I wanted to eat candy while floating in the pool. I needed to know which candy would float in case I dropped it.

You know I let them eat the candy too. That’s how awesome I am.

I read through my entire lesson and I was smiling the whole time. Basking in my awesomeness.

Then I got to the end and I had added a section about Jesus walking on water.

The miracle of Jesus walking on water is that he became less dense than water! Making connections for kids with my awesome teaching skills.

I pointed out that for him to do that he had to be less dense than water. I had forgotten I had that in there. I’m a freaking AWESOME teacher.

The entire lesson was OVER THE TOP. Candy. Jesus. Science. Me floating in a pool.

In my classroom, I had on average 40 students that I was able to bless every year. (Well, reality check – I didn’t bless all 40, some did not accept my blessings, but that’s on them.)

Right now, when a teacher or another homeschool family purchases my product it’s like that old hair shampoo commercial – MY INFLUENCE, My AWESOMENESS is spreading exponentially.

Inside the classroom I was limited- As a business owner, there are no limits.

Have you seen what Happy Hive Homeschooling is up to lately?

A life worth Living

This blog has been a little neglected… It’s because I have been busy living the life God blessed me with. Back in July 2021, I realized I was DONE REACTING. The freedom gained at that moment allowed me to spend the latter part of the year, truly living.

Unlike many – 2021 was a year of abundant blessings in the Gandara household. I do not overlook the loss, illness, and lack that surrounds us. I choose to see the BLESSINGS instead. I’m joyfully awaiting 2022 so I can continue to fulfill my purpose in life, to see the face of God in all I meet. To share my knowledge of home education with those who chose that route brings me contentment in a way I never thought possible.

A rainbow over the skies January 2021

I should have known the year would be filled with promise when this was my first picture of 2021. A rainbow – God’s promise. 2020 had ended in dramatic fashion with the loss of a dear friend, but 2021 was shining new and full of moments with my animals and kids. Stay at home mom may not be a typical job for someone with kids the ages my kids are – but I sure am soaking up every opportunity to “Mom” situations!

I had a small bit of skin cancer removed from my nose in January. All those years of recess duty and my refusal to wear sunscreen caught up to me. Having to do it by myself (Anthony was not allowed to come with me) was hard, but set the stage for the return of my superpowers. I did not realize I accidentally left my superpowers behind when I lost my job. I’ve been restoring them slowly.

MY Valentine – February 14 – Percy Jackson

Percy joined the family in November of 2020 and became my best friend. No joke. This cat goes with me everywhere. If I’d let him I think he would shower. When I leave the house for any length of time he is a complete menace.

Violets that belonged to my Mom bloom every year.

Violets must be like the super-succulent known as the Mother-in-laws-tongue. That plant is indestructible. Somehow these violets have stayed alive as well despite my gardening skills. (I have zero skills.) Each year they bloom and just give me that little reminder of my Mother’s Love. I don’t think when she passed back in 2006 I truly realized HOW LONG it would be that I had to live without her.

March 2021 – one year of being home due to the pandemic

This is crazy to think about. Living through a pandemic. The reality of it. The opinions about it. The decisions that need to be made surrounding it. Each day I sit and work from home on my homeschooling business – looking at butterflies, hummingbirds, house sparrows, squirrels, tomcats, and the occasional possum scurrying to bed. I think how BLESSED I am to be living my best life – home with THIS VIEW.

I may be living my best life at home because of the pandemic – but I am NOT ALONE by any means. Between the kids, cats, dog, and my Husband – I have plenty to do. But my Friend Tammie stops by, no joke at least once a week “real quick” ( ha ha ha ha it’s NEVER QUICK). My house is 30 seconds from her house and in a pretty direct path. I am treated to these “quick drive bys” and the contents of her front seat. Cards, ramen for the kids, and when I have been a VERY GOOD GIRL – she brings me this exquisite coffee. It’s cinnamon hazelnut form an online website that charges OBSCENE amounts of money for a bag that lasts me 2 days. I dring too much coffe. But I’m living my best life. One such drive-by had MY FAVORITE COFFEE – and this mug listing my superpowers! God sends us the perfect people to lift our spirits.

My Homeschool Graduate

Well, let’s just say anyone can order a diploma to be printed online. My youngest child did however work hard to earn his. More than one tear was shed as I ordered that diploma with our original school name – The Gandara Bug Academy and thought about the day I would give it to him. No party, no cap, and gown – just an ordinary Friday. Thankfully my Mommy guilt was enough to get a “senior” picture.

The lazy days of summer arrived. Penny likes to get her morning treats, then go back to bed. If I’m not fast enough the bed doesn’t get made before she burrows back into the warmest place she can find. Oh well, making the bed is the least of my worries.

We don’t have acres of land to grow our own food, raise animals and live off the grid. But our summer garden was bountiful. I found a recipe for homemade pasta sauce that wasn’t too difficult and used the tomatoes that way. We didn’t have enough freezer space this summer – but we do NOW! I look forward to next year’s crop and saving some homegrown tomatoes for winter soups!

When I was working full time outside of the home I was a slave to that schedule and the workload that came with it. I have no one to blame for that but myself. I promised God, and myself I would become more flexible and spontaneous and not let opportunities pass me by. In August when these two beautiful souls invited me to celebrate their birthday with them at the last minute, I dropped what I was doing and went. It felt AMAZING. Who knew things didn’t need to be scheduled to work out well? HA HA HA!

A small gathering to celebrate Lauren’s birthday. I had never made or purchased an Ice Cream Cake for any of the kids before. Well, Lauren really likes sherbert, and I was so happy when they had these clowns made of sherbert at the shop! Bonus points that the clown’s hair and Lauren’s hair match!

My Niece is making some life changes and moved closer. She’s a few states away now, but able to visit. She joined us for her birthday in October and spend some time with her grandfather, my dad – who she refers to as the GOAT. Indeed, the Supreme Anthony and his wisdom have gotten this family through much.

When I left teaching after Douglas was born, a co-worker gave me the book: A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. It has sat next to my bed for 17 years. No joke. I decided it was time to see exactly what’s God’s Purpose is for me, and in October I read the book. From that experience, I began to spend more QUALITY TIME with people. These are my Purpose Partners. We get together 2 X a month for breakfast to check-in and keep it real. The oldest member of our group is a survivor of the pandemics best, even at her age and with the health gifts God has given her – God has gifted us with more time together. That illness is a funny thing, like a game of Russian Roulette. So each month we’ll check-in and make sure we are using our God-given talents appropriately.

As our family begins to expand – I remember important lessons from my mother surrounding Holidays. As her own children began bonding with their significant others, My Mom began hosting the holidays on “off days” or at different times to accommodate the places we needed to go. I absolutely LOVED this and how much EASIER it made my life as a girlfriend, young wife, and mother. NOw I hope I am taking the same pressure off my children and the desire to celebrate with all they love. We gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving, and Megan’s birthday The Saturday AFTER Thanksgiving. Because we are trying to limit our activities, we combined the gatherings.

It was the perfect opportunity for a Family Picture. Our newest “addition” Megan’s boyfriend John is currently in Navy Bootcamp and will not be with us for the magic of Christmas this year. I told him my Catholic Prayer life was strong, and the Rosary was powerful, so we hope God will align the stars and his duty station will be close to home. (Any positive energy you can send on that is appreciated).

December is here – and as many of you know – all holidays are my *thing*. I love to decorate. It’s been 5 years since I put up my version of the Christmas Tree. The kids are scattered like dandelion wishes most days, as it should be, so I took the opportunity to decorate my way. Color-coordinated with the TV room furniture, lol. Simple – to me the tree looks peaceful. It already has gifts underneath, the stockings are filling up as I wrap items.

As 2020 comes to a close, I am so thankful for the blessings the year bestowed upon us. Too many to list here. My business grew by 5 X based on 2020 income numbers. On our date last week Anthony couldn’t come up with the word for 5 times (Quintuple) and called it – PENTUPLE – based on a pentagon. The belief in my business and the look on his face took my breath away. The actual financial numbers are almost laughable for the amount of work I put in, but the foundational years of any business take time – and GOD HAS GIVEN ME TIME!

Just think if I keep Pentuppling my income 🙂 Definitely a Life worth Living.

May God bless each and every one of you as we grow together another year!

  • Christy

Why are you not vaccinated?

I recently had a coffee date with a good friend. She posed this question to me. I stumbled for an answer actually.

Every time I am asked the question I can’t quite express WHY I am compelled NOT to get the vaccine. I mean I have put a lot of CRAP into my body – trust me on that one.

We all remember when McDonald’s had Monopoly or the 30-second drive-through guarantee.

Let’s not bring up Sugar-Free Rock Star. (2 years free of that monkey – thanks Deanna!)

So I can not in good faith say: “I don’t know what they are putting in my body”, lol.

Every time I talk to my Dad he tells me to get the Vaccine. I ALWAYS, ALWAYS listen to my dad…. like always until THIS…. so after my coffee date, I REALLY HAD to think and pray and figure it OUT.

I was scrolling Facebook, enriching my life, and my dear friend in Indiana was using some rather sweeping generalizations about the unvaccinated. Goodness, I could not possibly be what he said.

I wanted my own word, the one he used was MUCH TO STRONG 🙂

After reading his thoughts and having a rather polite conversation in a very CARING adult way – I KNEW MY WHY:

It’s not about the vaccine. It’s about the right to choose. 

I don’t know if I will be able to effectively communicate my reasons for not getting vaccinated. But I wish to document them.

I don’t want to die. 

I don’t want to kill anyone. 

I consider myself a good person, a good American even. 

I don’t think there is a big conspiracy of government control here. But there *could* be. 

I  have no idea why God chose to send me to live in a place in which FREE CHOICE is actually free choice. I have clean water, food, clothing and enough money to own “things” I do not need! 

All the wonderful things I do not need. In fact, there are several boxes in the attic from when we moved 13 years ago, not unpacked full of similar trinkets.

No one will argue with me when I remark that there are people on Earth living in conditions I wouldn’t let my dog live. She eats better than they do daily. We both have put on quite a little “pandemic pudge” LOL

I grew up on the dreams I could be anything I wanted to be. I was, and I am ! ! !  Well, that professional baseball player gig didn’t work out exactly, but still… I’m living the DREAM. 

When it came to educating my children, I had the CHOICE not to enroll them in a government run school. I had the choice not to enroll them into a religiously affiliated school. Instead, I was able to educate them as my husband and I saw fit. 

The early homeschool years- the bugs are in their Pajamas!

It’s consumerism. If no one chooses to homeschool privately, that option will cease to exist. If everyone uses a charter (which is essentially a public school) The state will no longer offer the option for individuals to file privately. This may take YEARS…but it will evolve! 

I’m not comfortable with mandatory vaccines. I’m not comfortable with mandatory healthcare. Will you FORCE me to undergo chemotherapy? I should always have a right to choose. 

Indeed there are “fuckholes”, otherwise known as the rotten apples who spoil it for the whole bunch. When their rights and freedoms put lives at risk: “Houston we have a problem”. 

You may even see my choice to not vaccinate as one of those problems vs the simple right to choose I am trying to explain. I stay home. I wear my mask. I sanitize. 

I’m having a hard time participating in the vaccination process purely based on my right to choose, and HOPEFULLY protect our right to choose in the future. 

That means you can be vaccinated and I’m thankful. I’m not going to judge your choice. 

You can be unvaccinated and I’m thankful. I’m not going to judge your choice. 

You can also be a fuckhole.  In that case, I will rely on the law of Karma and still refrain from judgment. 

Be well, my friends. 

  • Christy

Many thanks to my dear friend @Shane Blinn for the term “Fuckhole” – my vocabulary will never be the same. Definitely a term Wolverine would use. 

I’m done Reacting

At the end of September in 2019, just 3 short months after I was released from my teaching contract, my deepest desire was to be “over it”. I was tired of crying every time I had to retell the story. I was tired of hurting when I laid down to go to sleep. 

I struggled with SHAME over telling friends, family and even strangers that I wasn’t a teacher any longer. 

I was simply selling curriculum online and working as a lunch lady. Not exactly the best use of my college degree and 19 years experience. 

One of my closest friends basically told me to chill, it hadn’t been long enough. But I’m going to be brutally honest here… Time kept going and I kept crying. 

The virus hit and I pretended it was funny but I lost my 2nd job in less than 1 year. Now what in the hell was I going to do? 

With children who are 17, 18, and 19 the position of a stay-at-home mom isn’t really practical. 

I really was faking that everything was okay. I was still crying as 2020 came to a close. 

Finally, in January of 2021, I made a vow to myself that my curriculum business was going to be financially independent. I was not going to use ANY household funds to run the business. In February I joined a business coaching program specifically designed for teachers and it’s like a magic light switch was activated. 

I’ve been meditating and taking time to get to know myself, truly and deeply. As the days turned to months, I realized July was just around the corner. Was July 1st going to be a trigger? That magic day I was released from my contract in 2019. 

I tiptoed through the day, waiting to see how I would respond. Was there a migraine brewing? The Facebook Memories were days away… 

I survived the day pretty unscathed, and quite emotionally in tact. 

I attended a party on July 3rd, and was pleasantly chatting with a retired high school teacher. She asked me what I did. The Moment of truth…. I explained I had been an elementary teacher as well, but I was currently creating resources for homeschoolers and selling them online. 

WHAT JUST HAPPENED. No tremble, nothing. It was as smooth as saying I had breakfast at Polly’s Pies last week! 

A week later I ran into a dear friend I had not seen in well over 2.5 years. She was aware of the situation, but truly only from this blog, not the depth of the story. I shared in detail what occurred, including how the ball really was set in motion when the principal himself recommended me for the position of Vice Principal at the end of 2018 and was denied. That’s a detail I leave out quite a bit of the time.  

Even after being recommended for a promotion by your BOSS, and NOT GETTING the position once, I performed all duties asked of me FOR FREE again another full year before advocating for myself. 

Anyway – I made it through the story AGAIN – I may have quivered a bit but only because my DEAR FRIEND is so very special and cares so deeply for ME. I explained my business plan regarding curriculum sales, membership, and even online coaching and help for homeschool families and it felt NATURAL! 

I do not believe the experience of being released from my contract is finished TEACHING me… Because I believe in being a lifelong learner, but I am done reacting to the experience! 

I am indeed “over it” – and moving forward – true to the Gandara Family Motto: Keep Moving Forward. 

God continues to provide and we are richly blessed beyond measure. 

The Homeschool Holiday Mission Statement took me a long time to polish. It might not be perfect but it conveys what I hope each product brings into homes and classrooms. I can’t come do laundry for families to give them more time with their children, but I can save them time planning, prepping and searching for curriculum! 

Happy Hive homeschooling recognizes the deep love you have for those in your home and classroom, yourself included. Our products are designed to foster that love and your commitment to a quality education built on strong relationships, accurate academic resources, and enriching experiences. 

If you know anyone who homeschools, or works in education and you think they would like to include fun holiday of the day curriculum ideas into their day, please send them my way! 

I’m ready to Celebrate! 

The evolution of Freedom

What a blessing it is to live in a country that was founded to give freedom. 

The dictionary defines freedom as the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

The older I get the deeper the word freedom truly means to me. 

It has been 2 years since God blessed me with MY FREEDOM from a job that was both the most important thing in my life and the thing slowly sucking the life out of me. 

There is no Christy without Miss Serra, Mrs. Gandara & Mrs. Crabtree. We are one and the same. But suddenly I was only Christy and to be honest, it took some time to get to know her again. Those of you on the outside know her and love her, now I can honestly say I know her and love her too!

As I look within and see my soul, I know without a shadow of a doubt I see God and his amazing plan for my life. 

Christy - the owner of homeschool holiday enjoying life as a former homeschool mom and classroom teacher turned business owner.

I had the pleasure of attending a BBQ this weekend. It was great to visit and share stories. I met a woman who spent over 25 years as a high school teacher. Without even a tremble in my voice I was able to say I wasn’t teaching any longer – I was selling curriculum to help homeschool families and classroom teachers use unique holidays as academic activities. 

Every day is filled with excitement as I create new products, write blog posts, learn marketing techniques and hear the cha-ching notification when I sell a resource to a wise educator! A membership to my website and all the amazing resources is just around the corner. I’m extremely excited about that!

I have learned to set and enjoy boundaries. I meditate daily and spend time in my backyard appreciating the gifts God has given me. I’m spending plenty of time with my dog Penny and the “kitten” Percy. They remind me how easy it is to love unconditionally and without judgment. Neither care about my pandemic pudge. 

Laura Ingalls Wilder was 60 years old when she began writing her books. God is not done with me yet. 

As I reflect on the journey God placed me on 2 years ago, I am grateful beyond words for the gift of freedom.

I hope you are taking time for yourself because what you are is God’s gift to you, but what you become is your gift to God. How we treat others matters, and you cannot truly treat anyone with kindness until you begin with yourself.

Be FREE my friends – free to be yourself!

  • Christy

Breaking News

I’m not quite sure I can explain this…But I’m going to give it a shot. 

I wrote a blog post for Homeschool Holiday today. It was my April Holiday Highlights. April 28th is National Superhero Day. I was recalling how my classroom was decorated and I even had superhero attire suitable for Mass. I have previously mentioned here on Gratitude, Little things, Contentment,  moving away from identifying with my super hero self. In February of 2020 I  cleaned out my closet and discussed how important it is to be Christy as part of my healing process.

I think I was going about it all wrong. I think I was trying to avoid triggers and reminders of that part of my life. I know I was. If I didn’t think about it it would go away. 

But as I wrote that blog post, I realized, the memories are starting not to hurt. I haven’t cried in a long time, but I’m still hiding behind my “homeschool” talents. It’s time to come out and face the world, and stop hiding that very important part of my life. Hiding it isn’t going to make it go away. It’s holding my business back. I can’t let it do that anymore. 

This week my friend Debbie,  in Kansas,  drew this diagram as we were discussing my business.

I felt like a cartoon anvil was dropped onto my head.  I’m focusing deeply on homeschooling – but I have 3 arms. I’m not just a homeschool Mom. I’m a classroom teacher too. And my love of holidays is the glue! I’m trying so hard to push my homeschool agenda and my holiday agenda I’m creating an awkward gap that people can see, but not understand. 

As I was writing that other post mentioning my  classroom superhero theme, what made me smile was recalling how I bullied the photographer at school picture time. I made him put my name as Wonder Woman onto my ID Badge. I didn’t tell a soul – I just told that photographer to do it in my best “I run this place do what I say”  voice.

 I seriously thought the teacher that put the yearbook together was going to kill me! I’m so glad she didn’t and we remain friends through all this! 

When my badge arrived I was SO HAPPY!!  There for all to see,  was my picture and the name: Wonder Woman in print. I wore that badge to big district meetings and everything. 

My poor co-workers. I showed them that badge and reminded them of my awesomeness daily. They either loved me or hated me. In my grief, I wonder if they grieve too ? I am still in touch with a few who somehow penetrated my wall. But many who were like family are lost now in the shuffle of sorrow. I was far too wounded to reach out to them and for that I am sorry. I couldn’t face any of them and be reminded of the loss, it simply hurt too much. This is the collateral damage I am just waking up and realizing exists. I hope they can forgive me. I certainly forgive them for not reaching out to me. After all they were all stuck picking up the pieces and doing all the jobs I did for all those years, Ha ha ha! 

I have been hiding the teacher part of me away  because she is hurt, rejected and was cast aside. The thing of it is,  you can’t separate her from me – she IS me. 

My secret sauce for business IS the fact that I am both a homeschooler and a classroom teacher. I write Holiday Curriculum. It’s suitable for BOTH homeschoolers and Teachers. I’m not just “saying” that to get more business, it’s true because I’ve lived in both worlds and I know both worlds. 

I need to market my business and my area of expertise the same way I walked all over that campus  putting my badge in everyone’s face telling them I was Wonder Woman. 

I need to run my business like I ran that school – and by golly (I had help, I recognize that no Wonder Woman is an island! ) I seriously ran that school! 

Here is my anvil moment:  I’m embarrassed to say I was fired in my business world – It’s clear I’m not in the classroom any longer, but the “why” is shaky. I didn’t really retire, and every time I say that I feel like a fraud. 

I don’t want “being fired” to  scar my business or put my reputation in a negative light, but you know what. I’m going to wear the fact I was fired like a freaking badge of honor. That’s the TRUTH.

BREAKING NEWS : I was fired – so I started Homeschool Holiday as a way to share my love of teaching and homeschooling using holiday themed resources. I can’t keep hiding behind the euphemism of retirement. 

 I refuse to let the fact I was fired define me – but it will be my defining moment. 

They fired Wonder Woman. It says so right on the name badge I threw in the trash. 

She now runs a business called Homeschool Holiday. Watch me Grow!

Every year since 2010 I pick a word to guide my outlook on life. Now I'm sharing that Outlook with the world.

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